donderdag 9 februari 2012

Shizen Wong lun hing

Yesterday I went to my gorgeous friend Shizen to have a fotoshoot with her. I had so much fun during the shoot! She is a great model. She also told me that her dream is becoming a model. And as you can see, she is already a model. As a photographer it was really nice to work with her! I think when a model scout sees her, he or she would want her immediately! Enjoy the pictures! And one last thing: Love you Shizen, you're dreams will come true!



2 opmerkingen:

  1. My pretty nichtje! Love it and shared it with my Pickyourlook blog followers! @Dominique beautiful pics! Heb je die zelf geschoten? Erg mooi!. Succes met je blog :). X Erika

  2. Dankjewel!! Ja ik heb ze zelf geschoten:D xxxxxx
